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ADVENT UK News Letter

- N° 60 -

I Accueil / Home News Letter I

April / Avril 2007

International Awards London

... Update on our news : "Goodbye to the Russian Bear"

Russie : Secteur Immobilier

"Building Excellence in Business "

London - 02.05.2007



International Awards 2007

Advent UK Ltd is delighted to spearhead this second award scheme, which we believe will assist Russian companies to understand the British way of doing business and to "go global". The Awards will be by merit only, and will take the form of trophies and framed Certificates which will be presented in London at the Award Ceremony at the Institute of Directors on 1st June 2007.

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Le 1er juin 2007, ADVENT UK organise à Londres le "Prix pour l'Excellence en Management" à l'Institue of Directors (IOD). Ce prix récompensera des entreprises de taille moyenne Russes et des pays de la CEI pour leur croissance local et leur bon management .


Goodbye to the Russian Bear


So we have said goodbye to the Russian Bear Yeltsin, famous for his huge personality, weak Government, fondness for a drink, astonishing remarks and behaviour on the offical stage, and some say installing corruption, setting up the oligarchs, allowing abject poverty, and showing a total incapability to lead Russia from the Soviet era to democracy. Well, not many people in Russia had any knowledge of democracy in the transition years, no-one had any "business models" nor training in business economics, so it is hardly surprising he was no different to anyone else, and the Wild East ensued. But he was certainly a real character, he re-installed Christianity which had been driven underground, and apparently made Clinton laugh till he wept! I doubt we will see another of his kind.

Advent UK is having an interesting and challenging time with clients in the banking sector, hotel construction and other property sectors in the Russian regions, which are attracting interest in the west as Moscow and St Petersburg are targeted by bigger Western institutions taking market share. We are also working on property related deals in South Africa and Turkey, both interesting markets, though Turkey has some political issues right now.

May is an amazing month in France; not only do they have a bank holiday within every week of the month, ensuring that the French spend a great deal of their working day planning their time off between the working days and the bank holidays (called "le Pont" or making the bridge), but they are in the throes of a political battle royal (no pun intended) for the Presidential elections. There are two candidates, blue "Bonaparte" Sarkozy who is a workaholic, competent, and ambitious (do you know any leader who is not ambitious?) and with a clear vision for France's future, but with a real heart (I've never forgotten that he personally took charge of the negotiations with a madman wrapped in explosives who hi-jacked a kindergarten of children; he personally negotiated the release of countless of these children, all were saved). Then we have pink "Madonna" Royale, the first woman candidate with nerves of steel and tremendous calm, no clear vision for the future, but promises that the power and money will not be held by "the few", so has great appeal for the Revolutionary spirit still very much alive and well in France. Just to make things even more interesting, there is a new orange party "democrats" headed up by a centrist who is having fun saying he would not advise his voters to chose either candidate! Next week will tell all, but al worst we will not have an octagenerain in the top job more likely to look back than forwards.......

And we have the most astonishing weather, hottest spring on record!




Advent UK Ltd’s core business is in the formation and management of UK Ltd and offshore companies for foreign entrepreneurs. We provide management services, sourcing business partners and finance, and drive their projects to contract.

We have been extremely active in Russia during the past 6 years where we have successfully concluded the acquisition of a major Moscow insurance company on behalf of a large Israeli insurance company, sourced project finance for Russian construction projects, and developed export sales in the European market for a Siberian wood merchant.

We are long standing members of the Russo-British Chamber of Commerce ( and International Financial Services London ( and the Institute of Directors (






Pourquoi investir dans le secteur l’immobilier en Russie?

La situation économique de la Russie s’est stabilisée pendant 5 dernières années, avec une croissance de 5,7 % prévue pour l’année 2007, ce qui favorise l’augmentation de la masse monétaire dans le pays. Il y a une tendance générale de la population de préférer les investissements en immobilier (achat d’un appartement) à ceux en devises étrangers comme le dollar auparavant ;

Un réel développemnet immobilier a été observé en 2006, ainsi le prix du mètre carré à Moscou a augmenté de 63 % en moyenne, ce qui assure, selon les experts, un retour de 10 à 20 % par an sur investissement ;

Une législation immobilière et une politique fiscale encouragante l’investissement à long terme dans l’immobilier par des étrangers : lors de l’achat immobilier, un citoyen étranger bénéficie des mêmes droits qu’un citoyen russe et le produit de vente d’un bien immobilier peut être exempté d’impôts sous certaines conditions ;

Un système bancaire russe devenu plus fiable, permet la participation des banques dans de nombreux projets immobiliers avec la possibilité de vente des objets immobiliers finis aux fonds d’investissements d’Etat (Fonds de Pension) ;

Une série de réformes engagée par le gouvernement russe en 2006, notamment le programme fédéral "Logement pour tous", a facilité l’accès au crédit pour achat d’un bien immobilier ;

De très nombreux projets de la construction des objets immobiliers sportifs de haute qualité d’ici 2014 dans le cadre du développement de l’infrastructure de la ville de Sotchi (ville candidate pour les Jeux Olympiques de 2014) ;

Une politique régionale favorable aux investissements dans l’immobilier : programme du gouvernement de Moscou sur la construction des hôtels en ville ;

Une procédure administrative particulièrement allégée de l’obtention du droit de construction et mise en exploitation des objets immobiliers ;

Une demande soutenue de l’immobilier commercial (bureaux, centres commerciaux) dans de grandes villes de la Russie : Moscou, Saint Petersbourg, Tomsk, Rostov sur le Don, Novossibirsk, etc. ;

Le coût de travail relativement faible et la main d’œuvre qualifiée dans le domaine de la construction.


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