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La NewsLetter d'Advent UK

- N° 14 -

I Accueil de la NewsLetter I Abonnement I

Octobre 2003

Des News en anglais et en russes...

Nouveaux Services Advent UK

E-Business :

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Le package "Création site standard" comprend :

La création et l'hébergement de votre site standard

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Le E-Business connaît un développement exponentiel actuellement, le secteur est dynamique et permet une grande simplification, un gain de coût et d'éfficacité dans tous les échanges de biens et de services à travers le monde. ADVENT UK vous proposera bientôt un service en ligne complet et sécurisé, baptisé : ADVENT-UK.BIZ : CENTRE VIRTUEL D'AIDE A LA CREATION D'ENTREPRISE.

Toujours dans le but d'améliorer nos services d'accompagnement de votre développement international, le site ADVENT-UK.BIZ actuellement en cours de création vous permettra de vous informer, de commander, de manager votre société directement sur Internet.

- Enregistrement, création ou reprise d'une Limited Company

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- Services de management de votre Limited Company

- Réservation de votre domaine et E-Mail

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Et bien d'autres services qui seront bientôt disponible sur le site ADVENT-UK.BIZ, afin de faciliter la gestion de vos affaires directement sur Internet, ou que vous soyez...


Vous souhaitez recevoir notre brochure par courrier ou recevoir plus d'information sur les nouveaux marchés à l'Est et nos opportunités de développement international, écrivez nous à :


THE month of October has finished with a massive political/economic scandal: the richest oligarch in Russia, CEO of Yukos oil giant was arrested off his private jet whilst refuelling in Siberia over the weekend, and has been held at the pleasure of the Russian investigating authorities since. He is accused of obtaining shareholdings by occult and/or criminal methods during the early years of Yeltsin's privatisation in Russia, but if we were to go back to the early years of the Wild West in the USA or indeed the Industrial Revolution in Britain, we would find some similar stories! This arrest has caused a lot of anxiety for other oligarchs, major businesses, both Russian and International investors, and particularly the shareholders of Yukos, (who are watching their shares plummet by over 15%) and suitors for future partnerships.

BUT it is generally understood that this is hopefully an isolated case, and that President Putin will understand that a witch hunt to settle old scores with individuals who have the courage to show vision will shake the economic marketplace. It should also be mentioned that this particular oligarch had shown interest in the political arena, and has set up Foundations to help the disfavoured sectors of the community without seeking to profit directly from this. So Putin has a tough decision to make:

EITHER let the investigating authorities (of which he was a chief himself not so long ago) arrest all businessmen who might have obtained their businesses by unusual means and please all those who ask for Good Corporate Governance in business and an independent judiciary, but put the economy at risk and frighten off investors

OR declare an amnesty on the Wild West years and concentrate on building the economy as declared with attention to better legislation especially that needed to finance long term infrastructure, training in its implementation, encouraging Good Business Practices and indeed Corporate Governance training and implementation for the future.


Growth in Russian companies All the businesses we have met in Russia have had clear directorship and clear shareholdings! They are expanding fast, especially in the property, industrial, telecoms, consumer goods and marketing/distribution sectors. Many are auto-financed as the banks are underdeveloped and have high interest rates, and these businesses seek Western partners for better financial offers. Investment upgrade The good news is an investment upgrade for Russia who now appears as N° 8 on the Top of the Pops countries for investment. Western Banks Latest news is that Citibank will go retail, there are strong rumours that Societe Generale are in the marketplace also. Business banks are linking with the established Russian Banks to create financial products for Russia. Still no medium/long term finance available from Russian banks. Consumer market In full boom on all fronts, new JV car construction with Western partners, Ford selling like fun, IKEA opening another Mega Shopping Mall, Dior & other fashion houses packed out, Oreal expanding everywhere… Russian Technology We have cutting edge technology from top secret Scientific Institutes with industrial and mass market applications looking for partners in the west for development and manufacturing. Construction We have the biggest construction conglomerate in Moscow looking for a foreign partner for the first time for a project on 12 hectares with 120,000 M2 commercial offices/shopping centre, 1000 parking spaces and 150,000 M2 residences. Keep in touch!

Collier House, 163 Brompton Road
London SW3 1PY - England
Tel. (44) 207 584 0300
Fax (44) 207 691 7969


15 rue Clément Bayard
92 300 Levallois - France

Tel. + 33 (0)1 47 48 91 97
Fax. + 33 (0)1 47 48 02 22

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